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Body Armor Forums
SAPI vs. ESAPI: Which Plate Type Is Best?
Read nowBody armor, including bulletproof vests and bulletproof plate carriers, can protect the wearer from gunfire and other projectiles. While we may think body armor is only worn by military and law enforcement members, they're also regularly worn by citizens looking...
The History and Evolution of Body Armor
Read nowAs law enforcement and military professionals increasingly use firearms, the need for protection and body armor is becoming more important. While early forms of ballistic body armor were created in the mid-1800s, modern body armor wasn't created until the end...
Does Body Armor Expire?
Read nowA body armor expiration date helps determine when body armor may no longer be as effective. Over time, body armor will break, and some materials may degrade more quickly than others. For example, bulletproof vests may have a lifespan between...
Bulletproof Vest Buying Guide
Read nowIf you want to invest in a bulletproof vest, it is important to know the various styles and materials, each providing unique benefits. Each bulletproof vest offers multiple levels of protection, mobility and affordability. When buying a piece of body...
Bulletproof Plate Carrier Buying Guide
Read nowBulletproof carriers remain an essential aspect for law enforcement, the military and more. They can easily be worn over clothing or under it if a wearer needs discreetness in addition to extra protection. Armor plates can be added to the...
Guide to Setting up Your Plate Carrier
Read nowPeople engaging in dangerous or combat-driven situations, especially police and military personnel, can benefit from wearing a plate carrier. Also known as tactical vests or MOLLE vests in the armed services, plate carriers offer protection to critical areas, including your heart...
What Is Dragon Skin Body Armor?
Read nowDespite the sensational developments in materials and advancements in bullet proof vests over the past decade, a lingering question still pops up from time to time about a vest that originated when many current soldiers were still in diapers. What...
How to Wear Body Armor
Read nowBody armor saves lives in the field every day — but it isn’t foolproof. Improper fit and usage can spell the difference between life and death in a critical situation. Here’s a brief guide on how to wear a bulletproof...
Interesting Facts About Body Armor
Read nowThe Origins Of Modern Bulletproof Vests Body armor in various guises has been used for thousands of years in military applications, but the development of materials that spawned the modern age of bulletproof vests, helmets, and more practical daily-use body...